First Steps
- In Outlook 2013 and newer click on File > Account Settings > Account Settings
- Click on New (right above account names)
- Choose Email Service: Click IMAP or POP, click Next
- Click Manually configure server settings, click Next
- Click Internet E-Mail, click Next
User Information
- Your Name: Enter your name as you want it displayed when you send an email
- Email Address: Enter your email address.
Server Information
- Account Type: IMAP or POP (IMAP is preferred)
- Incoming Mail Server:
- Outgoing Mail Server:
Login Information
- User Name: Enter your FULL email address
- Password: Enter your password
- Remember Password: Check
- Require login using SPA: Do NOT check
- Click more Settings
More Settings – General Tab
- Edit the Mail Account name as necessary
- Organization: Enter your company name
- Reply Email: Type in your full email address
- Purge Options: Leave unchecked.
More Settings – Outgoing Server Tab
- My outgoing server requires authentication: Yes
- Use same settings as my incoming: Yes
More Settings – Advanced Tab
- Incoming server Port: Use “993” for IMAP, and use “995” for POP3
- Use the following type of encrypted connection: SSL/TLS
- Outgoing server Port: 465
- Use the following type of encrypted connection: SSL/TLS
- Click Okay
- You can click Test Account Settings to see if successful. If not, check the steps again.
- Click Next > Finish.
Outlook 2013 Visual Reference
First Steps
- Click on the Mail application icon to open
- At top of screen, click on Mail > Preferences
- Click on Accounts tab (next to General)
- On the bottom left, click the Plus sign to create a new account (To modify an account, click on the existing account on the left pane)
- Enter in your Name (as you want it to be displayed when others receive your email), your email address and your password. Click continue.
Incoming Mail Server
- Account Type: POP3 or IMAP (POP3 is standard, but IMAP is preferred for use across multiple devices)
- Description: Type in a description for this account (internal use only)
- Incoming Mail Server:
- User Name: Enter your FULL email address
- Password: Enter your password
- Click Continue
Incoming Mail Server Information
- Use Secure Sockets Layer (SSL): Yes
- Authentication: Password
- Click Continue
Outgoing Mail Server
- Description: Type in a description for this account (internal use only)
- Outgoing Mail Server:
- Use only this server: Yes
- Use Authentication: Yes
- User Name: Enter your FULL email address
- Password: Enter your password
- Click Continue
- You may get a warning, kindly disregard. Click Create.
Mac Mail visual reference
Windows Mail Set up
Please Note: Webtek does not recommend using the Windows Mail program for business purposes. While it is possible to use, Windows Mail is intended to be a personal email communications solution, and not as a professional email solution.
Follow these few steps in Windows Mail to set up your account:
- Click on the Settings icon (gear) > Manage Accounts > Add Account.
- A new window will open. Select “Other Account” from the list.
- Enter your Email address, Full Name, and Email Password.
- Click “Sign In” and you’re done!
Note: If your account setup fails, please double check your email and password for typos.